Monday, June 8, 2020

I Pray Changes are Being Made for the Better

I've been trying to come here and post for a couple of weeks, but each time I go to do so, I get an uneasy feeling in the pit of my gut. It has nothing to do with the blog, or blogging in general. More so, it is that I do not know what to say.

George Floyd. Breonna Taylor. Ahmed Aubrey. Just 3 of the numerous deaths that have happened in the past couple of months across the nation that should not have. No one has any right to take a life from someone. No one has the right to play judge, jury and executioner against someone. No one has any right to view the color of someone's skin as a sin, as a crime. White, creme, yellow, tan, bronze, brown, black, mahogany. red, opal and onyx, and every color in between. Every. Single. Skin. Color. Is. BEAUTIFUL!

I'm so sick of reading the news, hearing the news, listening to the radio and everyone wanting to debate what is going on in the world today.

It took one more death for eyes to be opened. But was it the death of Mr. Floyd, or was it the protests that made them stop and listen. Unfortunately, I fear it was the latter for most people.

But it is not just one death that blew everything into the protests and revolutions that people are marching for, rooting for, rioting for. No. It was one death too many.

On Instagram, on my stories, I post at least once a day when I do post, to LISTEN. PROCESS. LEARN. I believe it is the only way that we can truly learn; learn from each other, learn the hurt and heartache, learn the inequalities, learn the fight for equalities, learn the victories, learn the fears, learn the soft way and learn the hard way.

I am a white female. I do not know what it is like to live as a black person. I do not know the fears, the inability to walk down the street without people crossing the road to avoid me, the anxiousness of getting pulled over by a police office, wondering if it is my last day on earth. I do not know these first hand. I only know by reading, by listening. By learning. And it's sickening. It's injustice. It's despicable. It's complete racism.

By being white, I have the privileges that many POC, especially black and brown people, do not have. I have the ability to use my voice and make it heard. I have the ability to blog about my feelings without the wrath of hell raining down on me. I have the ability and the privilege to stand up for my fellow neighbors, my friends, my family.

As a Christian, I know that God did not create us as different beings, outside of the differences that make us each unique and beautiful. God did not create humans and sub-humans. NO! HE created us equal. And until we are all seen as equal, until all lives matter, I will forever hold to my truths that Black Lives Matter over All Lives Matter.

It is my prayer that peace is in the near future; that these protests are not in vain. That voices are being heard. That changes are being made. As of right now, I have read that the Minneapolis Police Department is being disbanded. Will this help? Will this create more issues? Is this a start?

I hate to use the term "wait and see" when black and brown people have waited WAY TOO LONG and there still hasn't been a change. But I pray this time, changes are being made for the better. 

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